House Business & Professional

Regulation Subcommittee


Start Date and Time : Wednesday, March 20, 2013 1:00 PM 
End Date and Time : Wednesday, March 20, 2013 3:00 PM 
Location : 12 HOB 
Duration : 2.00 

Consideration of the following proposed committee bill(s):
PCB BPRS 13-03 -- Homeowners' Associations 


Lobbyist Richard Pinsky testifies for CCFJ in front of the House Business & Professional Regulation Subcommittee

CLICK HERE to watch the whole debate over H 7119.


Y  Albritton Y  Dudley Y  La Rosa Y  Rouson Y  Steube
Y  Castor Dentel Y  Eagle Y  Mayfield Y  Stafford Y  Trujillo
Y  Cummings Y  Gibbons Y  Roberson, K.
Total Yeas: 13     Total Nays: 0     Total Missed: 0     Total Votes: 13

Committee Members

Chair: Representative Debbie Mayfield (R)

[email protected] 
Vice Chair: W. Gregory "Greg" Steube (R) [email protected] 
•  Representative Darryl Ervin Rouson (D) [email protected] 
•  Representative Ben Albritton (R) [email protected] 
•  Representative Karen Castor Dentel (D) [email protected] 
•  Representative Travis Cummings (R) [email protected] 
•  Representative Dwight R. Dudley (D) [email protected] 
•  Representative Dane Eagle (R) [email protected] 
•  Representative Joseph "Joe" Gibbons (D) [email protected] 
•  Representative Mike La Rosa (R) [email protected] 
•  Representative Kenneth "Ken" Roberson (R) [email protected] 
•  Representative Cynthia Stafford (D) [email protected] 
•  Representative Carlos Trujillo (R) [email protected] 


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