Senate Committee on Regulated Industries

Tuesday, April 2, 2013
TIME: 4:00 — 6:00 p.m.
PLACE: 301 Senate Office Building

A proposed committee substitute for the following bill (SB 580) was considered:
SB 580CS 1 by Senator Alan Hays -- Homeowners’ Associations

Our Legal Voice, Eric Glazer, Esq., testifies in front of the Senate Committee on Regulated Industries.

 Watch VIDEO

The Committee members voted: YEAS 9; NAYS 0; 

Committee substitute S580CS1 passed unanimously!

Committee Members


Chair: Senator Kelli Stargel (R) [email protected] 
Vice Chair: Senator Oscar Braynon, II (D) [email protected] 
•   Senator Nancy C. Detert (R) [email protected] 
•   Senator Anitere Flores (R) [email protected] 
•   Senator Bill Galvano (R) [email protected] 
•   Senator Audrey Gibson (D) [email protected] 
•   Senator John Legg (R) [email protected] 
•   Senator Maria Lorts Sachs (D) [email protected] 
•   Senator Eleanor Sobel (D) [email protected] 
•   Senator John Thrasher (R) [email protected] 

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